Now that framing, apart from some minor changes here and there, is done, it was on to plumbing! This was the main thing done this week. The framers made up a bunch of time since they went so fast, so the plumber was the only guy on the schedule. Pretty much all the pipes in the house were replaced. …

Layin’ Some Pipe

I’ve Been Framed! The Sequel
Yea yea I know. I kind of used this title before. Get over it. That was all about the framing being done during demo. This is the follow on from the framing done last week. Now the rest of the extension and the roof has been done. It’s big, beautiful, and green. Like the Statue of Liberty, …

We Were Floored!
Now that the blockwork for the foundation was all done it was time to start building some house! Things started happening a lot quicker than we realized. We had hoped to get some photos of just the old walls taken down and the new floor, but by the time we got to the house they were already throwing …